Anders Bengtsson has provided a solution for auto-closing incidents in Service Manager. The solution works well for closing a resolved incident, as one would normally not wish to inform the Affected User that the incident has been closed.
In our system when an analyst inquires the Affected User for additional information on an incident the status of the incident changes to "Pending user response" which is filtered out in most of our incident views (out of sight, out of mind). We also decided that these incidents should automatically resolve after 5 days if we did not get a response from the Affected User. The above mentioned solution could do this with a minor change to the code, but as most email-templates would use the ResolutionDescription to inform the user why the incident was resolved, these would now provide no information in that regard.
The following Powershell-script solves this. I am in no way a PS-expert, and I did borrow pieces of code in various places (my apologies for not giving credit where credit is due). I did borrow code from
here which helped me update multiple properties (Status & ResolutionDescription) in an incident.
The following Powershell-script solves this. I am in no way a PS-expert, and I did borrow pieces of code in various places (my apologies for not giving credit where credit is due). I did borrow code from
here which helped me update multiple properties (Status & ResolutionDescription) in an incident.
Possible drawback: as the criteria is based on LastModified, analysts logging a comment (ex. Called Anne's office, but no answer) or other activity on the incident would prolong the period it could stay in "Pending user response". A way to get around this would be to extend the incident with a field like "PendingUserResponseSinceDate" just like Service Requests has a "CompletedDate", and test on this instead. As we are using the SendMail plugin (which extends the incident with Message and MessageType), I did not use this solution.
Note: Requires SCSM Powershell Cmdlets from
formatted using
Note: Requires SCSM Powershell Cmdlets from
formatted using
Import-Module smlets
# Author: Anders Spælling, [email protected]
# Closes all incidents with pending status and unchanged for more than 5 days
# set a resolution description
$ResolutionDescription = "Closed automatically due to inactivity"
# inactive for more than 5 days
$InactiveFordays = 5
$Incidents = @()
$Class = get-SCSMClass -Name System.WorkItem.Incident$
# Get Id of status enumeration
$PendingStatusId = (Get-SCSMEnumeration -Name "IncidentStatusEnum.Active.Pending").Id
# type is an object criteria
$cType = "Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.EnterpriseManagementObjectCriteria"
# get resolved status enumeration
$StatusResolved = Get-SCSMEnumeration -Name IncidentStatusEnum.Resolved
# set these properties on the incident
$PropertyHash = @{"ResolutionDescription" = $ResolutionDescription; "Status" = $StatusResolved}
$Then = (Get-Date).AddDays(-$InactiveFordays)
# criteria to filter on
$cString = "Status = '$PendingStatusId' and LastModified < '$Then'"
# create the object criteria
$criteria = new-object $cType $cString, $Class
Get-SCSMObject -criteria $criteria | Set-SCSMObject -PropertyHashtable $PropertyHash
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