After some digging I thought I had to put the SAS token into quotes, and when looking into C:\Packages\Plugins\Microsoft.Compute.CustomScriptExtension\1.8\RuntimeSettings\0.settings I found that it was a sensible solution. I could also copy the "commandToExecute" and run it and get the expected result. In the variables section I added a:
"variables": { "singlequote": "'",
And then put single quotes around the parameters('SASToken'). But no dice. The token was still getting truncated, this time with a 'in front...
So I decided to get rid of the '&', at least temporarily. base64 encoding to the rescue. And Luckily there is an ARM template function for just that. In the script I then added:
$SASToken = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($SASToken))
Problem solved!
Seems to me that there is something odd in how the custom script extension calls PowerShell in this particular instance.
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