
onsdag den 17. december 2014

Service Manager Performance Optimizations Checklist

This is intended as a reference compilation of performance optimizations for Service Manager. I have divided them into multiple parts for quicker reference.

Everything that follows is from various blogposts, most of them can be found in my previous blogpost. All credit goes to the guys and gals who wrote those.

This is work in progress, so keep comming back :D


  • Make sure the SQL meets the recommended hardware requirements (Look up the SM Sizer tool). Also in order of importance disk IO > RAM > CPU.
  • If possible keep Service Manager, Datawarehouse (and Orchestrator) on seperate SQL boxes. This makes them easier to scale later on.
Post install:
  • Create tempdbs for both service manager and datawarehouse. Rule of thumb is one per two cpus up to one per cpu. Put them on fast disks (if possible seperate LUNs/disks)
  • Disable autogrow on ServiceManager and tempdbs (size them properly to begin with). Have SCOM or similar monitor them, and resize manually if needed.
  • Set Maximum memory for the/each instance so that the OS has 4 gb RAM available.
  • For Service Manager make sure that SQL broker is set to 1 (read more here, page 14)
  • Make sure autoshrink is disabled (it is by default).
  • Some experience increased performance by setting max degree of parallelism to between 1 and 4 (read more here, page 15).
Service Manager

  • Make sure that you will be installing a secondary management server and have consoles connect to this, and this alone. The primary management server will be a dedicated workflow server.
    Rule of thumb is 12 concurrent console sessions per cpu, but you can likely handle more.
  • Make sure there is a low latency & high bandwidth connection between consoles and the (secondary) management server. This can be a problem with a geographically dispersed organization. If the connection is an issue consider using remote desktop, citrix or 3rd party alternatives (Cireson/GridPro) to the console.
Post install:
  • Apply UR2 - it has a critical console performance fix.
  • Configure the Global Operators Group (read FAQ: Why Does It Take So Long to Find Users in the Assigned To and Primary Owner Fields?)
  • Disable app pool recycling (read FAQ: Why is the self-service portal so slow?)
  • Consider increasing the group calculation interval (read Service Manager Performance)
  • Only create SLOs that are really needed. An alternative to the builtin service level management is using Orchestrator or SMA.
  • Disable workflow: Incident_Adjust_PriorityAndResolutionTime_Custom_Rule.Add if using SLOs.
  • Disable first assigned workflow if not used (read SCSM - The item cannot be updated.....aka. Click Apply and die) - really frustrating for your analysts to have this enabled.
  • Consider data retention settings. do you really need closed service requests for more than 90 days? Fewer work items means better performance.
  • setup workflows to close resolved incidents, completed service requests, etc. Cireson has an auto close app or you can roll your own. I did a piece on auto-resolving incidents, but you can easily edit the script to close resolved incidents.
  • When creating AD-connectors point only at a specific OU containing the users you want to import into Service Manager. If you then need to import from more than one OU then create more AD-connectors. Also use this ldap query for only importing enabled accounts
    Remember to check the 'Do not write null values for properties not set in Active Directory' box.
    If you have more than one AD-connector use different runas account (each based on different AD-users) for each.
    Read more on AD-connector optimizations here.
I will try and keep this updated as I learn new tricks. There are tons more, but I find these to be fairly trivial to apply and still alot to gain.

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